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Автор Тема: Rules of the unit (addition to key rules)  (Прочитано 27899 раз)

Оффлайн BuxarNET admin

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Rules of the unit (addition to key rules)
« : Май 22, 05, 2005, 18:56:30 (EEST) »
Rules of the unit (addition to key rules)

It is forbidden to create identical themes. One sponsor - one theme.

The theme should begin so:
The name without http: // www. (language), the additional information

The first post should contain the description or the reference to the description on our site.
As it is necessary to give скрин payments. (the, instead of the friend or in general taken from the Internet Support forum

Rules of the unit (addition to key rules)
« : Май 22, 05, 2005, 18:56:30 (EEST) »

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