Автор Тема: E-GOLD  (Прочитано 6701 раз)

Оффлайн Syniaaa

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« : Январь 24, 01, 2006, 18:41:06 (EET) »
Tai va buvo taip  :evil:   Surinkau taip sakant apie 600 $ E-GOLD. kelis kartus prisijungias. ir palikau keliom savaitem nes buvau isvaziaves. Ir kai gryzau taip isejo kad pamirsau pass ir niekur kompe neradau. pass netinka  8O  galvoju nieko tokio parasysius e-goldui Contact US skiltyje laiska atsius pass. nors pass mane contact info adress ir t.t nesamones kaip supadupafly  ir telefonas ir kt. nesamones. E-GOLDD teamas man atrase nesamones kazkokias, nieko nesupratau. parasiau jiems vel vel kazka atrase For Further info please write in Contact US. galvojau sudziai afigeli. nu ir ka as zinau turiu visa contact savo info nesamoninga prisimenu alternate pass name adress ir t.t tik truksta pass ir 600 $ pasiekti. VYRAI KA DARYTI ???? Kas pades atgauti $ duodu 100 $. Tai pirma liecia BAXUR !  8)

BuxarNET.ru Support forum

« : Январь 24, 01, 2006, 18:41:06 (EET) »

Оффлайн BuxarNET admin

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« Ответ #1 : Январь 25, 01, 2006, 04:59:02 (EET) »
Atsiusk man tuos saikaituos num, e-maila kuri ivedes ir as pabandisiu su jais pasisneketi, man reikia zinuoti ka jie tikslei atsakis

Оффлайн Syniaaa

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« Ответ #2 : Январь 26, 01, 2006, 13:15:27 (EET) »
We can only use the information currently listed on the account to
you.  If this information is not valid, in order for us to assist you
will need due diligence documentation to validate your identity as the
legitimate account holder. Please mail (or preferably, use a courier
such as Fed Ex or DHL) original notarized copies of all of the

a) A signed and notarized affidavit listing: name, address, and
number for the \"REAL\" owner of the e-gold account.
 Copy of a telephone or utility bill that has the same address stated
item A.
c) Notarized copy of Passport or Driver\'s license for the \"REAL\" owner
the e-gold account.

Not only will you need to provide the above documents, you will also
need to
provide the following account information:

a) Date account was opened.
 Remote IP address where account was created.
c) Point of contact information listed on the account.
d) Last 3 transactions out of the account.

Addressed to:

175 East Nasa Blvd.
Suite 300
Melbourne, FL 32901
Attn: Due Diligence Unit

Thank You,
Due Diligence Unit

-----Original Message-----
From: iloveusanx@yahoo.com [mailto:iloveusanx@yahoo.com]
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 5:47 AM
To: 7eLO2428_ddu@e-gold.com
Subject: [e-gold-ddu] Hello, i am writting for ego ... [PR: EEXSRFDV]

Submitter IP:
Customer Name: superduper
Email: iloveusanx@yahoo.com
Phone: +37067109568
Fax: -
e-gold Batch: -
e-gold Account: 2780789
Question: Hello,

Оффлайн BuxarNET admin

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    • http://BuxarNET.ru
« Ответ #3 : Февраль 01, 02, 2006, 22:28:15 (EET) »
Na tai cia aiskei parasita
Jei tu ivedes netikrus duometis, atsiusk jeims notaru uztikrintos dokumentu kopijas, nurodik paskutinius atsiskaitimus ir tau grazins acc

BuxarNET.ru Support forum

« Ответ #3 : Февраль 01, 02, 2006, 22:28:15 (EET) »

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