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Автор Тема: Rules of section (addition to key rules)  (Прочитано 4801 раз)

Оффлайн BuxarNET admin

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Rules of section (addition to key rules)
« : Апрель 10, 04, 2005, 17:43:33 (EEST) »
Rules of section (addition to key rules)

It is forbidden to create identical themes. One game - one topic.
The theme should begin so:
The name (language), the Original name (year of release)

The first post should contain the description or the link to the description on our site.

Exceptions make:
1. The Topic: List FTP of servers. On which lists of servers from which you can make distributions on our site give all the best.
2. Topics: I Can distribute. In these posts the user spreads lists of available files and writes a way as can distribute this all Support forum

Rules of section (addition to key rules)
« : Апрель 10, 04, 2005, 17:43:33 (EEST) »

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