You have to pay, in order to advertise.
Advertisment versions:
1. Advertisment in your nick or your nick description ( 1$ a month ).
2. Advertisment in away messages ( 0.1$ a month ).
3. Advertisment in main channel ( 0.01$ for each message ).
4. Advertisment in auto regime in the main channel (1$ a week)
5. Advertisment in friends section ( 1$ each week ).
You have to order advertisment for at least 1 USD.
For free:
1. Free advertisment in your nick or your nick description only accepted, if you place our website advertisment on your website, and if your website has at least 80% of visitors which connected to our hub.
2. Free advertisment in away messages is only accepted, if you place our website advertisment on your website, and if your webpage has more than 20 visits each day.
3. Free advertisment in friends section is only accepted, if you place our webpage advertisment on your website ( or our hub\'s , on your hub), and if your webpage ( or hub ) has at least 80% of visitors which connected to our hub.