Investments (3-30 % a month).
Investment plan 1:
Under 3% each month, with period from 1 month. Minimal sum is 10 USD. Your percentage will be payed to you every month. At the end of the period, full reimbursement of invested funds will be executed. Money will be invested in our exchange centre -
http://BuxarExchange.comInvestment plan 2:
Under 5% each month, with period from 12 months. Minimal sum is 10 USD. Your percentage will be payed to you every month. At the end of the period, full reimbursement of invested funds will be executed. Money will be invested in our exchange centre -
http://BuxarExchange.comInvestment plan 3:
Under 8% each month, with period from 3 months. Minimal sum is 10 USD. Your percentage will be payed to you every 3 months. At the end of the period, full reimbursement of invested funds will be executed. Money will be reinvested in various reserves. 10% of investments will be directed to reserve fund.
Investment plan 4:
Under 12% each month, with period from 12 months. Minimal sum is 10 USD. Your percentage will be payed to you every month. At the end of the period, full reimbursement of invested funds will be executed. Money will be reinvested in various reserves. 10% of investments will be directed to reserve fund.
Deposits are accepted on following payment accounts:
WMZ Z493778919704
WME E112717683915
WMU U240067958881
WMR R814404123266
E-gold 742546
Money Bookers (only on demand)
Storm Pay (only on demand)
Intgold 312795
Emo Money mail RUpay RU768119297
LT (only on demand)
Bank wire transfer (only on demand)
When transferring in assignment, you should write it in appropriate form. For example: Invest, (Number of investment plan)
The inquiry about receiving accounts, we send on e-mail – In letter description we write: Investition (We have Spam Control On, letters with other descriptions will be deleted)
It’s also possible to receive payments on other payment system according our exchange centre rate.
After paying funds, you ought to write here a system where you made your payment, sum and in which payment system you would like to receive profit (if it differs from which you brought).